Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomePakistanPetrol prices in Pakistan likely to drop again in a Big way

Petrol prices in Pakistan likely to drop again in a Big way

Sources say that the prices of Petrol and diesel in Pakistan may decrease by 12 rupees. The reason for this expected reduction in fuel prices is the recent changes in the global market. In the global market, the price of petrol has dropped significantly with a drop of 5.14 dollars. As a result, the price of gasoline has now dropped to $89 per barrel. This significant reduction in global prices is expected to be reflected in Pakistan, where petrol prices may drop by PRs 12.

Similarly, the price of diesel in the international market has decreased by 4 dollars to 93.88 dollars per barrel. The low price of diesel in Pakistan is likely to be a result of this shortage. The expected reduction in fuel prices is welcome news for Pakistani consumers who have been burdened by exorbitant fuel costs. If the reduction is implemented, it will provide some financial relief and reduce the overall cost of products and transportation. Global market trends and government decisions will be among the many variables that determine the exact timing and magnitude of price cuts.

As Pakistan closely monitors fluctuations in the global oil market, consumers are hopeful of an expected drop in petrol and diesel prices, which could significantly reduce their financial burden.



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