Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeLatestA Pakistani parliamentarian was elected to the IMF and World Bank for...

A Pakistani parliamentarian was elected to the IMF and World Bank for the first time in history.

As the first lawmaker from Pakistan to be selected to serve on the legislative boards of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Senator Faisal Saleem Rahman has created history.
Senator Faisal will take office in March 2021 and serve a six-year term, representing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The parliamentary board collaborates to develop concepts for enhancing the economy and lowering poverty, with members from 140 nations.
The election of Senator Faisal is noteworthy because it demonstrates Pakistan’s increasing prominence and sway inside these international financial institutions. Pakistan may see improvements and advantages from this appointment in the global financial sphere.



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