Pakistan’s first satellite mission to the moon ‘ICUBE-Q‘ will take off from China’s Hainan Space Launch Site on May 3, which will be broadcast live on the Institute of Space Technology’s website and social media platforms. Pakistan’s satellite mission will orbit the moon for three to six months. Meanwhile, various images of the moon’s surface will be taken with the help of satellites, which will be obtained only through China’s Deep Space Network. According to the Institute of Space Technology, more information about the surface of the moon can be obtained with the help of satellite images. The mission will also expand Pakistan’s space program. According to Dr. Khuram Khursheed, head of department at the Institute of Space Technology and core member of the ‘Icube Q’ mission team, ‘His institution has jointly launched the iCube satellite with China’s Shanghai University and Pakistan National Space Agency ‘Sparco’. has been designed and developed. The iCube Q is equipped with two optical cameras that will be used to take pictures of the lunar surface. After successfully passing through the testing and qualification phase, ‘iCube Q’ has been attached to the ‘Chang 6’ mission.